Saturday, May 23, 2009

We're here! (And using our fingers as toothbrushes!)

We made it! Granted, I can’t say the same for our luggage, which is somewhere between Washington D.C. and Managua. I’ve traveled down here roughly 12 times and have yet to have my luggage misplaced, so I guess I was due. Either way, it’s supposed to arrive tomorrow.

We were delayed a few hours by some storms in Miami and the inefficiency of the Managua airport, but at least some of the wait was worthwhile due to some unintentional comedy. Evidently the Nicaraguans are still very worried about the swine flu, as all airport employees wore masks. But the funny part came when each passenger was forced to step in front of a thermal scanner, which detected the possibility of fever. I felt like I was on the TV show House as I watched myself in various shades of orange and red on the screen.

We were traveling with a group called the Global Heath Outreach, and none of its members were concerned with the swine flu. In fact, one said the masks worn by the airport workers were only good for a few hours. Oh, Nicaragua.

Our hotel is quite nice and I think everyone else is already asleep after a long day of travel. We have a day trip with the kids to a lagoon lined up for tomorrow. It will be lots of fun, but require an equal amount of energy, I’m sure.

That’s all for tonight, but I’ll post a longer entry tomorrow night detailing our trip.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah you made it! hopefully your luggage will find its way to you. Have fun at the lagoon. I'm tired just thinking about it. Love to all. Mrs. Vit