Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Last Day Teaser

Today we visited the dump and had a very successful Christmas party for the kids. To top things off, tonight we attended a giant Sandinista party in the streets outside of Metrocentro, the big mall downtown. As I’m writing this a barrage of fireworks is going off. Either that or some people are shooting cannons right outside our hotel.

I’m afraid fatigue would limit the quality of a blog right now, but I’ll write on the airplane tomorrow and post tomorrow night when I get home. Thanks so much for reading during this trip. It was a really wonderful trip, and I’m so grateful to have such a fantastic team with me. Happy New Year, and until tomorrow, adios!


1 comment:

Dottie said...

Prayers for a safe trip home today for all....sounds like everyone had a wonderful time....can't wait to hear how the kids liked "Santa"
xo - Dottie